Hey! I’m JoAnna and I’ve been knitting, spinning, and reveling in wool since 2007 when my mom taught me how to manipulate yarn one winter weekend. I’m not sure if it was the spirits in my old farmhouse that awoke a need in me to knit socks, or if it was all part of a devious plan to eventually acquire a flock of sheep…but knitting soon took over my life. I spend my days growing and canning yummy vegetables, tending to chickens, sheep, and goats, and dying and blending wool into fluffy goodness.
I live on an eight acre farm in Central Indiana with my husband, Bill, and our rescue dog Pullo. We have a small market garden and a wood-fired oven which we use to make bread.
Knit Spin Farm fiber reflects my personal spinning preferences. I use only wool and silk in my batts…(and sometimes sparkle), but never nylon, rayon/bamboo, or faux fibers.
I can be reached via email at
I'm on Ravelry as JoAnnaSpring and Instagram as KnitSpinFarm