Knit Spin Farm

Feeling Faux

Feeling Faux

Mosaic knitting and a bit from Sock Memory Lane. Plus, all the current, tubular slang. 

Enchanting Lace

Enchanting Lace

Dainty socks and goat families. Spring is arriving!

Color and Dip

Color and Dip

February stinks, but socks are great. The alphabet knitting continues with two free, fun patterns for C and D. 

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Bending By the Sea

Bending By the Sea

Patterns that bend (with a few increases and decreases) make those striping yarns even more fun! Three free sock pattern recommendations - including one for sport weight yarn. 

Ahhhh, Aava! (and sometimes goats)

Ahhhh, Aava! (and sometimes goats)

I finally have a success with socks! And a little story of our smallest goats. 

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Atypical Construction: fail, fail, fail

Atypical Construction: fail, fail, fail

My 2025 sock knitting started off on the wrong foot (sorry). Four times! It started off on four wrong feet. A quadruped of wrongness.  

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Atypical construction: Squircle

Atypical construction: Squircle

Lots of knitters were interested in the Squircle socks I made this summer. They have an unusual construction, but it doesn't compromise their fit at all! Here are some of my observations from knitting this atypical pattern. 

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1-2-3 socks

1-2-3 socks

Want some Sockspiration? Here's an easy pair that uses a stripe and a solid, and is a very simple twist on whatever vanilla pattern you love best.

Also, I'm knitting socks from A-Z in 2025. I hope. Well, that's the plan anyway. I hope you'll discover some patterns you love along the way!

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Join us for the story "Snowed in at Sugarplum Cabin"

Join us for the story "Snowed in at Sugarplum Cabin"
December starts this weekend! And Bill has been working on a 24-part story to accompany this year’s Battvent…but you can still join us, even if you...

2023 Battvent is coming!

2023 Battvent is coming!
Battvent 2023: Bundle Up will be open for preorders starting at 8 pm Eastern TONIGHT (Friday, Oct 13)! There are new details for this year, includi...

Happy Holidays! Battvent Poem 2022

A dramatic reading of a new Christmas Classic.... The Battvent poem for 2022!

Stash Cranking Misfit skein sale event!

  From now until we shut down the cranking service for the summer, any order of 5 or more tubes with of sock tube cranking will get a free skein o...