Knit Spin Farm

Enchanting Lace

Enchanting Lace

Dainty socks and goat families. Spring is arriving!

Ahhhh, Aava! (and sometimes goats)

Ahhhh, Aava! (and sometimes goats)

I finally have a success with socks! And a little story of our smallest goats. 

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Spring and potatoes is always nice to look forward to being a baby goat perch when your work is done. 

Ten days in the life of a baby goat

Two healthy baby girl goats are in the hiz-ouse!!

Self-Striping added to shop

Just a quick note (and some photos of baby goats) ((and a little poem?))…self-striping yarn has been added to the shop in the County Clare and Barn Love colorways. Also, two baby goats were added to the barn yesterday. Pandora had a pair of healthy, energetic girls. They are already trying to cause trouble!!